Queen Street, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 3HS | 023 9298 2182
The Veterans' Foundation has very kindly given us a grant for £25,000 to install a new lift so that visitors with limited mobility can access the Veterans Outreach Support offices located in the Royal Maritime Hotel.
Major General David Shaw the Founder of Veterans' Foundation said:
“The Veterans' Foundation has been set up to help fund charities and other charitable organisations that are helping serving and former members of the Armed Forces, and their dependants, who are in need.”
“The Veterans' Foundation raises its money through the Veterans’ Lottery and donations. Since inception in July 2016, it has given over £14 million through almost 750 grants to over 370 unique organisations, many of them small to medium-sized and very worthwhile charities, which are helping members of the Armed Forces community who are in need."
"Forecasts indicate the Veterans’ Foundation will make grants totaling £4.8 million this financial year. The charities and other organisations we have helped include those tackling the challenges of mental and physical injuries, homelessness, unemployment, children’s loss of parents while serving and remembrance. We encourage you to spread the word.”
“We are grateful for the public’s support of the Veterans’ Foundation and its Veterans’ Lottery, and we encourage you to spread the word.”
The Portsmouth Royal Maritime Club is a Charity trading as The Royal Maritime Hotel
(023) 9298 2182 | info@royalmaritimehotel.co.uk | royalmaritimehotel.co.uk | VAT Registration No. 107 7105 95
Registered charity office address: 75-80 Queen Street | Portsmouth | Hampshire | PO1 3HS
Registered Charity No.